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Changes to the Staking of LIST for the Hivelist and thelogicaldude Accounts

So this whole blockchain thing can be quite a brain cruncher sometimes. We are all in a new space trying to figure things out. When we first launched LIST, the plan was to have the @hivelist account and the @thelogicaldude accounts to basically be a self funded treasury for the community to help with onboarding and other rewards.

But thanks for some much needed feedback from one of our original members, we realized the stake for both accounts was way too high.

So based on this feedback and some recalculations, we have decided to unstake a large portion of LIST tokens from both accounts. 200k LIST tokens will be unstaked from both of the fore-mentioned accounts and used to help build the community as liquid tokens instead of staked tokens.

This will help the rewards pool be more competitive. We were not aware of this so, our mistake entirely. We want to be as transparent as possible with the actions taken by the Hivelist admin and founder so to have a healthy community.

The unstaking will take a total of 6 weeks for both accounts with a portion being unstaked weekly. Once the tokens have been unstaked, the rewards pool will go to a more distributed amount.

We appreciate the understanding while we work out the kinks and get this community started off in a positive direction.



Hivelist Admin